Monday, January 16, 2012

The Insomnia Chronicles #1

It is 2:35am.

I have insomnia. Why?

Mostly stress, but also I'm a night owl. I sometimes suspect that I'm a vampire. Not of the sparkling variety... at least I think. Don't go out into the sun much and whenever I DO go out I'm sporting one of my nifty hoodies. No, I'm convinced I'm not cause if I were I'm sure one of my true friends would off me at first suspicion with a stake in the heart. Mmmmm. Steak. Where was I? Oh yeah, Fuck Twilight.
So anyways, I'm a night owl... and since there's nothing really amazing going on at night unless I'm at a party or some shenanigans; I decided I could just unload my crazy-ass, random thoughts and rants on here as much as I can. So sorry to the unfortunate people who choose to read these.
So about me. I'm lazy so I'll post my twitter profile on here:
I write. I draw. I enjoy all things nerdgasmic, geektastic & awesome. Movie Buff. TV Addict. Music Lover. Part-time Gamer. Full-time FanGIRL & Instigator.
There's more to me than what a 160 character limit will allow me to share but THAT, my readers, will be part of this blog and what future posts will reveal. *Cue dramatic music*

Speaking of... Music is a big part of who I am. I have to keep my iPod on me at all times. When it comes to my iPod I live by the American Express slogan, "Don't leave home without it." I listen to everything and anything if it's good. I have a 30GB iPod that's almost full, and I'm sure when it is I'll be devastated and bummed.

Music fuels almost everything I do. When I write. When I draw. When I clean, exercise, drive, etc. Music is amazing. My hell would be just a white room with no music playing. Silence bothers me. Even when I sleep at night I either have music on or I have a DVD playing. There are some noises I can do without though. If a Zombie apocalypse happened, I could do without the moaning a hoard of walkers would bring.
Oh Zombies!! Now there's something that terrifies me also. I love Zombie flicks and what not. The Walking Dead series = amazing. The Walking Dead comics = FUCKING AMAZING! BUT I do believe Zombies could happen. Go ahead and laugh but when this shit goes down I will find a way to get on here before the interwebs go down just to do the following:
Anyways, I'm ready to close out this first entry in my Insomnia Chronicles with a promise to try my best to make frequent entries and to hopefully entertain at least two people out there. If I reach that quota I'll be pleased and may try to raise the bar with each entry. And that kids is how I met your mother...

....Pleasant Hooters.

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